Our Network
Attention! Our network of offices works exclusively with TradeBank. If you need to find the IBAN and BIC codes, please visit the bank's website and use the provided centralized account information for each country: TradeBank Office Locations.
Country | City | Office Details |
Albania | Durres | Address: Fushë-Krujë Phone: 932 98 60 70 Email: team.durres@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: AL 12345678901 |
Albania | Tirana | Address: Bulevardi Dëshmorët e Kombit ZIP: 1001 Phone: +355 4 5555555 Email: team.tirana@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract Business hours: Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 18:00 TIN: AL987654321 |
Algeria | Algiers | Address: P947+8RR, Bd de L'A.L.N Phone: 932 98 60 70 Email: team.algiers@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: DZ456789 |
Argentina | Buenos Aires | Address: Av. del Libertador 5926, Piso 10 Phone: +54 11 555555555 Email: team.buenosaires@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: 20-12345678-9 |
Argentina | Córdoba | Address: Av. Colón 654, Piso 6, Oficina 6 Phone: +54 351 55555555 Email: team.cordoba@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: 27-87654321-5 |
Australia | Melbourne | Address: 6/709 Collins St Phone: +61 3 555555555 Email: team.melbourne@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: 123 456 789 |
Australia | Sydney | Address: 102 Harris Street, Pyrmont Phone: +61 2 555555555 Email: team.sydney@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: 987 654 321 |
Austria | Vienna | Address: Cargo Center Wien, Objekt 261 Phone: +43 1 55555555 Email: team.vienna@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: ATU12345678 |
Belgium | Antwerp | Address: Kerkstraat 102, Stabroek Phone: 932 98 60 70 Email: team.antwerp@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: BE 0123456789 |
Belgium | Brussels | Address: Blarenberglaan 3 Phone: +32 15 55555555 Email: team.brussels@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: BE0123456789 |
Brazil | Curitiba | Address: Av. Sete de Setembro, 2330 Phone: +55 41 555555555 Email: team.curitiba@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: 123.456.789-09 |
Brazil | Rio de Janeiro | Address: Rua do Passeio 38, Sala 1101 Phone: +55 21 555555555 Email: team.riodejaneiro@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: 987.654.321-00 |
Brazil | São Paulo | Address: Av. Das Nações Unidas, 4777, 5º Andar Phone: +55 11 555555555 Email: team.saopaulo@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: 159.753.486-20 |
Canada | Montreal | Address: 3300 Rue de l'Éclipse Phone: +1 555-555-5555 Email: team.montreal@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: 123456789 RT0001 |
Canada | Toronto | Address: 5800 Hurontario St, Suite 1120 Phone: +1 905-555-5555 Email: team.toronto@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: 987654321 RT0001 |
Chile | Concepción | Address: Av. Paicavi 1101, Oficina 1303 Phone: +56 41 55555555 Email: team.concepcion@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: 12.345.678-9 |
Chile | Santiago | Address: Av. del Parque 4130, Ciudad Empresarial Phone: +56 2 555555555 Email: team.santiago@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: 98.765.432-1 |
Chile | Valparaíso | Address: Blanco 625, Oficina 11201 Phone: +56 32 55555555 Email: team.valparaiso@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: 56.789.012-3 |
China | Beijing | Address: Tower C, Gateway Plaza, No. 8 Xia Guang Li Phone: +86 10 555555555 Email: team.beijing@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: 123456789012345 |
China | Guangzhou | Address: Haiyou Building, Yue Xiu Qu Phone: 932 98 60 70 Email: team.guangzhou@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: CH123576 |
China | Jinping District, Shantou | Address: Haibin Rd, Jinping District Phone: 932 98 60 70 Email: team.shantou@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: CH123482 |
China | Shanghái | Address: Jing'an District Phone: 932 98 60 70 Email: team.shanghai@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: CH123464 |
China | Xiangzhou | Address: Gangwan Blvd, Xiangzhou, Zhuhai Phone: 932 98 60 70 Email: team.xiangzhou@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: CH123472 |
Colombia | Bogotá | Address: Calle 100 No. 8A-37, Torre A, Piso 5 Phone: +57 1 55555555 Email: team.bogota@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: 123456789-0 |
Colombia | Buenaventura | Address: Avenida Portuaria Phone: 932 98 60 70 Email: team.buenaventura@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: C45987562136 |
Colombia | Cartagena de Indias | Address: Centro Logístico Bloc Port Bod. 55 Mamonal Km. 1 Cra 56, Cr. A Mamonal #7C-39 Phone: 932 98 60 70 Email: team.cartagenadeindias@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: C528794631 |
Colombia | Medellín | Address: Carrera 43 A No. 1-50, Torre 2, Oficina 208 Phone: +57 4 55555555 Email: team.medellin@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: 987654321-0 |
Czech Republic | Prague | Address: Obchodní 96, Čestlice Phone: +420 225 5555555 Email: team.prague@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: CZ12345678 |
Denmark | Aarhus | Address: Skanderborgvej 124, Viby J Phone: +45 3699 5555 Email: cph.reception@playforwarding.com Services: Air Logistics, Sea Logistics TIN: DK12345678 |
Denmark | Copenhagen | Address: Amerika Plads 8 Phone: +45 36 55555555 Email: team.copenhagen@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: DK87654321 |
Egypt | Alexandria | Address: El Horreya Road 85 ZIP: 21526 Phone: +20 3 5555555 Email: team.alexandria@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract Business hours: Sun - Thu: 09:00 - 17:00 TIN: EG987654321 |
Egypt | Cairo | Address: Tahrir Square 12 ZIP: 11511 Phone: +20 2 5555555 Email: team.cairo@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract Business hours: Sun - Thu: 09:00 - 17:00 TIN: EG123456789 |
Egypt | Damietta | Address: Al Abideyah, Faraskur Phone: 932 98 60 70 Email: team.damietta@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: EG234567 |
Egypt | Port Said | Address: 7893+2JJ, El Sharq Phone: 932 98 60 70 Email: team.portsaid@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: EG789012 |
Finland | Airfreight terminal | Address: Tikkurilantie 125, Vantaa Phone: +358 (0)201 5555555 Email: team.finland@playforwarding.com Services: Air Logistics TIN: FI12345678 |
Finland | Helsinki | Address: Ensimmäinen Linja 1 Phone: +358 20 55555555 Email: team.helsinki@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: FI87654321 |
France | Le Havre | Address: Rue de Paris 150 Phone: 932 98 60 70 Email: team.lehavre@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: FR 123456789 |
France | Paris | Address: 8 Rue de Londres ZIP: 75009 Phone: +33 1 5555555 Email: team.paris@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract Business hours: Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 18:00 TIN: FR12345678901 |
France | Marseille | Address: 5 Rue de Rome ZIP: 13001 Phone: +33 4 5555555 Email: team.marseille@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract Business hours: Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 18:00 TIN: FR10987654321 |
Germany | Berlin | Address: Friedrichstraße 190 Phone: +49 30 55555555 Email: team.berlin@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: DE123456789 |
Germany | Frankfurt | Address: Cargo City South, Building 530 Phone: +49 69 555555555 Email: team.frankfurt@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: DE987654321 |
Germany | Hamburg | Address: Alte Landstraße 21 Phone: 932 98 60 70 Email: team.hamburg@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: DE 123456789 |
Greece | Athens | Address: 31, Konstantinoupoleos Str. Phone: +30 210 55555555 Email: team.athens@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: EL123456789 |
Greece | Piraeus | Address: Markopoulo Mesogaias Phone: 932 98 60 70 Email: team.piraeus@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: GR 12345678901 |
Greece | Thessaloniki | Address: 23rd October Street Phone: +30 2310 5555555 Email: team.thessaloniki@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: EL987654321 |
Hong Kong | Hong Kong | Address: 1/F, Tower 2, Ever Gain Plaza Phone: +852 2823 5555 Email: team.hongkong@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: 12345678 |
Hungary | Budapest | Address: Airport Business Park, Building B Phone: +36 1 55555555 Email: team.budapest@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: HU12345678 |
India | Ahmedabad | Address: Nr. Panchwati Cross Roads, Opp. Sears Tower & CI Phone: +91 79 555555555 Email: team.ahmedabad@playforwarding.com Services: Air, Sea, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: ABCDE1234F |
India | Bangalore | Address: 1st Floor, Embassy TechVillage, Bellandur Phone: +91 80 555555555 Email: team.bangalore@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: FGHIJ5678K |
India | Chennai | Address: No. 4, Nelson Manickam Road Phone: +91 44 555555555 Email: team.chennai@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: LMNOP1234Q |
India | Mumbai | Address: 2nd Floor, Trade Star Building, Andheri Kurla Road Phone: +91 22 555555555 Email: team.mumbai@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: RSTUV5678W |
India | New Delhi | Address: Building No. 5, Tower B, DLF Cyber City Phone: +91 124 55555555 Email: team.newdelhi@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: XYZAB1234C |
Indonesia | Jakarta | Address: Midplaza 2, 15th Floor Phone: +62 21 55555555 Email: team.jakarta@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: 01.234.567.8-901.000 |
Indonesia | Surabaya | Address: Jl. Raya Darmo No. 90, D'Natural Building Phone: +62 31 55555555 Email: team.surabaya@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: 98.765.432.1-210.000 |
Ireland | Dublin | Address: Unit 4B, Northwest Business Park Phone: +353 1 55555555 Email: team.dublin@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: IE1234567A |
Israel | Haifa | Address: 128 Derech Ha'Atzmaut Phone: +972 4 55555555 Email: team.haifa@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: 123456789 |
Israel | Tel Aviv | Address: 20a HaBarzel St., Ramat HaHayal Phone: +972 3 55555555 Email: team.telaviv@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: 987654321 |
Italy | Genova | Address: Via Roma 21 ZIP: 16121 Phone: +39 010 5555555 Email: team.genova@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract Business hours: Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 18:00 TIN: IT12345678901 |
Italy | Livorno | Address: Via Grande 105 ZIP: 57123 Phone: +39 0586 5555555 Email: team.livorno@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract Business hours: Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 18:00 TIN: IT78901234567 |
Italy | Milan | Address: Via Monte Napoleone 18 ZIP: 20121 Phone: +39 02 5555555 Email: team.milan@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract Business hours: Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 18:00 TIN: IT12345678901 |
Italy | Naples | Address: Via Partenope 38 ZIP: 80121 Phone: +39 081 5555555 Email: team.naples@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract Business hours: Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 18:00 TIN: IT54321098765 |
Italy | Palermo | Address: Via Francesco Crispi, Palermo Phone: 932 98 60 70 Email: team.palermo@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: IT 12345678901 |
Italy | Pescara | Address: Corso Vittorio Emanuele II 99 ZIP: 65122 Phone: +39 085 5555555 Email: team.pescara@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract Business hours: Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 18:00 TIN: IT67890123456 |
Italy | Rome | Address: Via Veneto 110 ZIP: 00187 Phone: +39 06 5555555 Email: team.rome@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract Business hours: Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 18:00 TIN: IT10987654321 |
Italy | Trieste | Address: Via Roma 3 ZIP: 34132 Phone: +39 040 5555555 Email: team.trieste@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract Business hours: Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 18:00 TIN: IT67890123456 |
Italy | Turin | Address: Corso Vittorio Emanuele II 58 ZIP: 10121 Phone: +39 011 5555555 Email: team.turin@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract Business hours: Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 18:00 TIN: IT10987654321 |
Italy | Venice | Address: Calle Larga 22 ZIP: 30124 Phone: +39 041 5555555 Email: team.venice@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract Business hours: Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 18:00 TIN: IT78901234567 |
Jordan | Amman | Address: Zahran St. 17 ZIP: 11183 Phone: +962 6 5555555 Email: team.amman@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract Business hours: Sun - Thu: 09:00 - 17:00 TIN: JO987654321 |
Jordan | Aqaba | Address: King Hussein St. 45 ZIP: 77110 Phone: +962 3 5555555 Email: team.aqaba@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract Business hours: Sun - Thu: 09:00 - 17:00 TIN: JO123456789 |
Lebanon | Beirut | Address: Charles Helou Av. 22 ZIP: 1103 Phone: +961 1 555555 Email: team.beirut@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract Business hours: Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 18:00 TIN: LB123456789 |
Libya | Tripoli | Address: Sharia Omar Mukhtar ZIP: 218 Phone: +218 21 5555555 Email: team.tripoli@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract Business hours: Sun - Thu: 09:00 - 17:00 TIN: LY123456789 |
Malta | Valletta | Address: Mdina, 34 Phone: 932 98 60 70 Email: team.valletta@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: MT 12345678901 |
Mauritania | Nouakchott | Address: Ilot K, No 18, Tevragh Zeina Phone: 932 98 60 70 Email: team.nouakchott@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: MR 1234567890 |
Mexico | Mexico City | Address: Blvd. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 297 Phone: +52 55 555555555 Email: team.mexicocity@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: ABC123456XYZ |
Mexico | Monterrey | Address: Blvd. Antonio L. Rodríguez 1880, Piso 1 Phone: +52 81 555555555 Email: team.monterrey@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: DEF789012UVW |
Morocco | Casablanca | Address: Boulevard de la Corniche Phone: 932 98 60 70 Email: team.casablanca@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: MA 12345678901 |
Morocco | Tanger Med | Address: Zone Franche Logistique, Tanger Med Port Phone: 932 98 60 70 Email: team.tangermed@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: MA 1234567890 |
Netherlands | Aalsmeer | Address: Legmeerdijk 311, Exp. Cntr. Aalsmeer Phone: +31 (0)297 5555555 Email: knnl.exportflowers@playforwarding.com Services: Air Logistics, Road Logistics TIN: NL123456789B01 |
Netherlands | Amsterdam | Address: Heathrowstraat 3 Phone: +31 20 55555555 Email: team.amsterdam@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: NL987654321B02 |
Netherlands | Rotterdam | Address: Blaak 40 ZIP: 3011 TA Phone: +31 10 5555555 Email: team.rotterdam@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract Business hours: Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 18:00 TIN: NL123456789B01 |
New Zealand | Auckland | Address: 50 Pavilion Drive, Airport Oaks Phone: +64 9 55555555 Email: team.auckland@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: 123-456-789 |
Nigeria | Lagos | Address: 18 Gerrard Road, Ikoyi Phone: +234 1 55555555 Email: team.lagos@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: 12345678-0001 |
Norway | Oslo | Address: Grenseveien 90 Phone: +47 23 55555555 Email: team.oslo@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: NO123456789MVA |
Oman | Salalah | Address: As Sultan Qaboos St Phone: 932 98 60 70 Email: team.salalah@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: OM 1234567890 |
Pakistan | Karachi | Address: Plot No. 27, Sector 23, Korangi Industrial Area Phone: +92 21 555555555 Email: team.karachi@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: 1234567-8 |
Peru | Arequipa | Address: Av. Ejercito 300, Piso 2, Of. 201 Phone: +51 54 5555555 Email: team.arequipa@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: 12345678901 |
Peru | Lima | Address: Av. Javier Prado Este 6210, Piso 6 Phone: +51 1 55555555 Email: team.lima@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: 98765432109 |
Philippines | Manila | Address: 10th Floor, Zuellig Building, Makati Ave Phone: +63 2 55555555 Email: team.manila@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: 123-456-789-000 |
Poland | Gdańsk | Address: Ul. Grunwaldzka 8 ZIP: 80-236 Phone: +48 58 5555555 Email: team.gdansk@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract Business hours: Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 18:00 TIN: PL1234567890 |
Poland | Gdynia | Address: Ul. Świętojańska 39 ZIP: 81-391 Phone: +48 58 5555556 Email: team.gdynia@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract Business hours: Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 18:00 TIN: PL9876543210 |
Poland | Szczecin | Address: Ul. Piastów 75 ZIP: 70-326 Phone: +48 91 5555555 Email: team.szczecin@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract Business hours: Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 18:00 TIN: PL1928374650 |
Poland | Świnoujście | Address: Ul. Wojska Polskiego 23 ZIP: 72-600 Phone: +48 91 5555556 Email: team.swinoujscie@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract Business hours: Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 18:00 TIN: PL0987654321 |
Portugal | Aeroporto de Lisboa | Address: Aeroporto de Lisboa 1, Edifício 134, Gabinetes 2135 Phone: +351 218 5555555 Email: team.lisboa@playforwarding.com Services: Air Logistics TIN: PT123456789 |
Portugal | Lisbon | Address: Rua Conde de Redondo 77 Phone: +351 21 55555555 Email: team.lisbon@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: PT987654321 |
Portugal | Porto | Address: Rua António Bessa Leite, 1410 Phone: +351 22 55555555 Email: team.porto@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: PT192837465 |
Romania | Bucharest | Address: Sos. Bucuresti-Ploiesti, nr. 11-15 Phone: +40 21 55555555 Email: team.bucharest@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: RO123456789 |
Russia | Moscow | Address: 5th Donskoy proezd, 15, bld. 7 Phone: +7 495 55555555 Email: team.moscow@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: 7701234567 |
Saudi Arabia | Jeddah | Address: Al Safa Plaza, Madinah Road Phone: +966 12 55555555 Email: team.jeddah@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: 300123456789 |
Saudi Arabia | Riyadh | Address: Al Fawzan Building, Olaya Street Phone: +966 11 55555555 Email: team.riyadh@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: 400987654321 |
Singapore | Singapore | Address: 10 Changi South Lane, PlayForwarding Building Phone: +65 6543 5555 Email: team.singapore@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: S12-345678-9 |
Slovenia | Koper | Address: Pristaniska Ulica 8 ZIP: 6000 Phone: +386 5 5555555 Email: team.koper@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract Business hours: Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 18:00 TIN: SI12345678 |
South Africa | Johannesburg | Address: 30 Electron Avenue, Isando Phone: +27 11 55555555 Email: team.johannesburg@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: 1234567890 |
South Korea | Busan | Address: Busan New Port, Building 2 Phone: +82 51 55555555 Email: team.busan@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway , Road Logistics, Contract TIN: 123-45-67890 |
South Korea | Seoul | Address: 16C Kyobo Life Insurance Building, 1 Chongro Phone: +82 2 55555555 Email: team.seoul@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: 987-65-43210 |
Spain | Madrid | Address: Calle Nanclares de Oca 1, Edificio B Phone: +34 91 55555555 Email: team.madrid@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: ESX1234567A |
Sweden | Gothenburg | Address: Mölndalsvägen 28A Phone: +46 31 55555555 Email: team.gothenburg@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: SE123456789012 |
Sweden | Stockholm | Address: Stora Wäsby, Upplands Väsby Phone: +46 8 5555555555 Email: team.stockholm@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: SE987654321098 |
Switzerland | Geneva | Address: Rue de Veyrot 11 Phone: +41 22 55555555 Email: team.geneva@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: CHE-123.456.789 MWST |
Switzerland | Zurich | Address: Sägereistrasse 29 Phone: +41 44 55555555 Email: team.zurich@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: CHE-987.654.321 MWST |
Taiwan | Taipei | Address: 4F, No.285, Section 4, Civic Blvd Phone: +886 2 555555555 Email: team.taipei@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: 12345678 |
Thailand | Bangkok | Address: 111/5-7 Moo79, Bangna-Trad Road KM. 1 Phone: +66 2 55555555 Email: team.bangkok@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: 1234567890123 |
Thailand | Bangkok | Address: 3656/64-65 Green Tower, 12nd Floor Phone: +66 2 55555555 Email: team.bangkok@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: 9876543210987 |
Tunisia | Sfax | Address: Route de la Corniche 98 ZIP: 3000 Phone: +216 74 555555 Email: team.sfax@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract Business hours: Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 18:00 TIN: TN987654321 |
Tunisia | Tunis | Address: Avenue de la Liberté 14 ZIP: 1002 Phone: +216 71 555555 Email: team.tunis@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract Business hours: Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 18:00 TIN: TN123456789 |
Turkey | Istanbul | Address: Merkez Mahallesi, Abide-i Hürriyet Cd. Phone: +90 212 55555555 Email: team.istanbul@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: 1234567890 |
Turkey | Izmir | Address: 1579 Sokak No:19, Kat:3, Daire:7, Karşıyaka Phone: +90 232 55555555 Email: team.izmir@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: 987654321 |
Turkey | Yeniköy | Address: Turgut Reis Cd. No:248 Phone: 932 98 60 70 Email: team.yenikoy@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: TUR156486987 |
UAE | Abu Dhabi | Address: Mina Road Silver Wave Tower, Office 205 Phone: +971 2 5555555 Email: team.dubai@playforwarding.com Services: Air, Sea, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: 123-4567-890 |
UAE | Dubai | Address: Jebel Ali Free Zone, LOB 19, Office 103 Phone: +971 4 55555555 Email: team.dubai@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: 987-6543-210 |
UK | Aberdeen | Address: Dyce Drive Building 2, Level 3 Phone: +44 1224 555555 Email: team.aberdeen@playforwarding.com Services: - TIN: GB987654321 |
UK | London | Address: 1 Roundwood Avenue, Stockley Park Phone: +44-208 867 5555 Email: nwe.marketing@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: GB123456789 |
UK | Felixstowe | Address: Walton Avenue 38 Phone: 932 98 60 70 Email: team.felixstowe@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: GB 123456789 |
UK | London - Stockley Park | Address: 3 Roundwood Avenue, Uxbridge Phone: +44-208 867 5555 Email: nwe.marketing@playforwarding.com Services: - TIN: GB192837465 |
UK | Manchester | Address: 3 George Leigh Street Phone: +44 161 55555555 Email: team.manchester@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: GB564738291 |
Ukraine | Kiev | Address: 2A Pivnichno-Syretska Str. Phone: +380 44 55555555 Email: team.kiev@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: 1234567890 |
USA | New York | Address: 8 Exchange Place, Jersey City Phone: +1 201 55555555 Email: team.newyork@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: 12-3456789 |
Vietnam | Hanoi | Address: CornerStone Building, 8 Phan Chu Trinh Phone: +84 24 555555555 Email: team.hanoi@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: 101234567 |
Vietnam | Ho Chi Minh City | Address: Saigon Trade Center, 33 Ton Duc Thang Phone: +84 28 555555555 Email: team.hochiminh@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: 707654321 |
Venezuela | La Guaira | Address: Avenida Soublette, La Guaira Phone: 932 98 60 70 Email: team.laguaira@playforwarding.com Services: Sea, Air, Railway, Road Logistics, Contract TIN: VE123456789 |
PortVirtualLab © Escola Europea Short Sea Shipping, Spain. Notice of Copyright Protection: All rights reserved. Unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution is prohibited and may result in legal action.
The Port Virtual Lab® name and mark, along with SDG Lines®, SDG Airlines®, MEDtrade®, and Playforwarding®, are owned by Escola Europea de Short Sea Shipping AEIE.
This work by Escola Europea - Intermodal Transport is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.